our team
When you buy from an artisan, you are not simply buying an object; you are buying hundreds of hours of experiments, failures and attempts, weeks and months of research, and moments of pure joy.
A piece of the heart, a part of the soul, a moment in the life of someone else: you’re buying the time it took to do something that is his Passion and your Pleasure.
"Coolers and cellarets, crystal with snows, should always hold bottles in ready repose.
Snow is good liquor’s fifth element; no compound without it can give content..."
from "Arianna inferma" by Francesco Redi
Always the best loved
During its diverse journey through history and geography, ice cream has changed from a dessert for the wealthy, to a type of street food loved by everyone, not only in the summer. The people of Mesopotamia and Egypt probably consumed drinks made with ice or snow, but we have the master pastry chefs in Italy to thank for giving them the shape and flavours that have today become famous throughout the world.
The first ice cream
What might be called the first ice cream bowl was found in Egypt, inside a tomb of the second dynasty (2,700 b.C.). It was a kind of mould, with two silver bowls; the snow (or ice) was placed in one bowl, and cooked fruit in the other.
An original recipe
According to legend, during the Renaissance, the Medici family organised a competition to produce the most original dishes. The winner was a certain Ruggeri, with a recipe for a chilled compote of water, sugar and fruit, probably similar to a snow cone or a cremolata: ice with sugared, scented water.
Il Cibo, sacro o profano, una volta assunto è simbolo di trasformazione, energia che si assume, materia che si trasforma in energia...